Patrick Henry Landscape Architects
Patrick Henry Landscape Architects
ReSurfaced is back in June with a greener, more intimate pop-up...
ReSurfaced is coming back to Liberty and Shelby streets for another round of pop-up events and experiences this summer. The experiment in creating place...
Produce Park brings fresh fruit to a vacant lot in the...
A vacant lot in the Russell neighborhood has been transformed into a fruit-filled community orchard. This past Friday, July 15, community leaders and officials...
Making Place: How Louisville is using tactical urbanism to rebuild civic...
"You can have a space, and even though it's vacant at the time, it can still have a life. It's still part of the...
Those trees from the this summer’s ReSurfaced have been planted at...
So, what do you think? Was this summer's Bourbon edition of ReSurfaced better? Or did you prefer the beer garden original last fall? Since...
ReSurfaced is coming back with a splash of bourbon. But what...
It's been seven months since Louisville's biggest Tactical Urbanism experiment, Resurfaced on Main, shut its doors. By all accounts, the effort to reclaim a vacant...