

Chop Shop Salads Open For Business

The long awaited Chop Shop Salads on Market Street between Fourth & Fifth Streets opened its doors Monday and has seen crowds lining up...

Moving In At The ZirMed Towers

We walked by the ZirMed Towers at the corner of Ninth Street and market Street a couple days ago and thought the building looked...

A Tour Of Construction Progress At Patrick O’Shea’s

Work continues at the Patrick O'Shea's construction site on Main Street between First and Second Streets. We've been following this one for a while...

Henry Clay Wins Award For Community Development

The Henry Clay building on Third Street at Chestnut Street has placed second nationally in the National Development Council Academy 2009 Awards for Community...

1860s Era First Street Building Could Be Torn Down

A three-story brick and limestone building on First Street between Main and Market Streets has been issued an emergency demolition order. We had a...

AAA Hopes To Drive Traffic To Cobalt Marketplace

The Cobalt Marketplace on the corner of Market and Jackson Streets has landed a new sidewalk level tenant. The space was most recently the...

What’s In Our Sewers?

Spotted this sewer Downtown today that was filled with a very bright green liquid. A better (but slightly more disgusting) view of the green...

Snapshot: Republic Bank Gets A Coat Of Blue Paint

It seems now that the Republic Plaza building on Seventh & Market Streets is complete, the Republic Bank building on Sixth & Market is...

Gourmet Drama To Fill The Kentucky Theater Marketplace

The old Kentucky Theater just north of the Brown Hotel on Fourth Street has been dubbed the Theater Square Marketplace for some time now,...