

Metro Development Center Set For A Green Roof

The Metro Development Center on Fifth Street near Muhammad Ali Blvd. is about to become the first Louisville government building to sprout a green...

Wet Paint: Joe’s Crab Shack Wharf-Side White-Washed

Joe's Crab Shack on the downtown Wharf is nearly finished with its new coat of white paint. The building was originally left unpainted to sport...

Belvedere Flood Control Measures Being Installed

The grassy lawn of the west Belvedere / Waterfront Plaza has been known to become a swamp when it rains, or when it's irrigates,...

Arena Fails Its First Test: Weak Pile Can’t Take The Stress

A tipster tells us today that the word on the street is the arena has failed it's first pile stress tests and must be...

Snapshot: Louisville Science Center Moving Debris

This week, the Louisville Science Center began gutting the ground level of the Alexander Building directly to its west. The museum purchased the four-story...

Scaffolding Alert: O’Shea’s On Main’s Steel Jungle Gym

This week, crews have been installing the scaffolding in front of the old limestone whiskey warehouse on West Main Street. The facade is due for...

Local Cobbler Takes A Stroll Around The Corner

The tiny Roy E. Steele Shoe Repair Shop on Market Street near the corner of Fifth Street is currently in the process of moving...

Update: Man With The Mirror Safe And Sound

Just in case you were losing sleep over the disappearance of the plate-glass sign man on West Main Street, rest assured, yesterday we spotted...

Bardstown Road Shows ‘Em How It’s Done: Landslide Victory

Well, the results are in, and it looks like there's no room for debate: Bardstown Road has been voted Louisville's greatest street, trouncing the...