
Urban Trees: The Stench of Ginkgo Biloba

Butchertown has been known for the wafting smell of slaughtered pigs, unbearable on a hot summer day (thanks Swift!), but lurking on Washington Street...

Development Watch: Bacon-Debrovy Lofts Coming Soon

The forlorn limestone-clad, 4-story building sitting vacant on East Market Street between Preston Street and Jackson Street will soon be sporting some new scaffolding...

Snapshot: Med-Cen Mega-Garage: 3D Edition

It's been a while since we checked in with that huge parking garage going up on the corner of Clay Street and Muhammad Ali...

University Hospital Addition Rendered

The University of Louisville plans to build a 10-story addition to the Ambulatory Care Building on the corner of Chestnut Street and Jackson Street....

Art Car Friday: Painted Patchwork Volvo

  We spotted this painted patchwork Volvo station wagon in the SoBro neighborhood. Every square inch of the car has been hand painted with whimsical...

Arena Mayhem: Is The Arena In Louisville Or Liverpool?

Whether you love it or hate it, the design of the new downtown arena for the University of Louisville has been set, the site...

Is The Aegon Center Louisville’s Chrysler Building?

The Chrysler Building may be nearly twice as tall and built over 60 years earlier, but hey, it's got to compete with all those...

Raining On The Iron Quarter

The remainder of Main Street between First and Second Streets to the east of the recently announced O'Shea's project and the hot-off-the-presses Whiskey Row...

Market Street Rebuild Finishing Dormers

The three-story row building on East Market Street near Shelby Street has been tearing itself apart and building itself back up over the last...