
New Bike Lane Planned on Cardinal Boulevard

Construction could begin any day now on a new streetscape project at the northern entrance to the University of Louisville that will bring a...

Portland’s Drinking Fountains a Sidewalk Luxury

As the summer heats up, it's easy to become a little parched as you're out and about in the city and public water fountains...

Public Art: It’s The Details That Matter

The statue of former Louisville Mayor Charles P. Farnsley by Dawn D. Yates on West Main Street must be counted among the city's most...

Snapshot: Cobblestone Streets Of New York

Here's a selection of cobblestone streets in New York. Most are the rough, generally unmaintained variety that has simply been left in place since...

News Roundup

Congratulations to Ken Herndon and D. Jason Crowder for correctly identifying our last sidewalk photo as Eighth Street between Main & Market Streets. Due...

Liberty Green Knows How To Pave A Street

Liberty Green has become a showcase of late for great paving techniques that dually make Louisville more beautiful and more sustainable. Crews have been...

Rebuilding Market Street’s Lost Olmsted Park

  Near the end of East Market Street, between Shelby Street and Campbell Street, the roadway becomes noticeably wider; parallel parking is replaced by diagonal...

Highway Transformed: Hudson River Park

Once home to a notorious elevated highway, Manhattan's west side is now dominated by a linear park filled with bikers, joggers, and strollers. The...

Stretch Of Eastern Parkway Going On ‘Road Diet’

A portion of Eastern Parkway between Third Street and Interstate 65 is going on a "road diet." The historic Frederick Law Olmsted parkway will...