
Video: The Ethicist Rides A Bike

"To see a car in the park is like seeing someone coat the Mona Lisa with mud." —Randy Cohen, The Ethicist, NY Times Magazine Streetfilms recently...

Louisville’s Oldest Pottery Business Discovered Near Slugger Field

Archaeologists recently uncovered Louisville's oldest pottery business near the corner of Jackson and Main Streets where the old D & W Silks building was...

Video: Cycling In The Netherlands In The 1950s Check out this video of cyclists in the Netherlands from the 1950s. Pretty amazing.

New York Trades Parking For Pedestrian Space

New York has become famous for carving out pedestrian spaces from busy streets across the city, taming traffic and creating much needed plaza space....

Video: Tilt-Shift Dresden

Another great tilt-shift and time-lapse video of Dresden, Germany by MoritzHL. This stuff never gets old.

First Official Pecha Kucha Night Planned At Bernheim Forest

The first official Pecha Kucha Night Louisville is planned for Saturday, August 28 at Bernheim Arboretum. A partnership including the Urban Design Studio, the...

How Does A Heat Wave Affect Your Use Of Public Space?

So everyone can agree it's been ridiculously hot this summer. In fact, June was a record-breaking month for temperatures. The NY Times' City Room...

Video: Time Lapse London

Here's another time-lapse video like the one from Tokyo a couple days ago. This time, we're in London. (via Digital Urban)

Video: More Time Lapse Urban Goodness

Just in case you need a late afternoon break, here's some great time-lapse footage from Tokyo. Why? Because cities are awesome. It's called Floating...