Sometime in the last couple weeks, the old wooden door on the Tonini Building on the corner of Shelby Street and Grey Street in Phoenix Hill was replaced. We knew the building was up for renovation, but we really have no timetable on the operation yet. The new white metal door gives us our biggest clue yet and represents the most work done to the building in years (really, nothing has been done, two trees have been growing in the facade for several years now!).

The old door’s window was boarded up and covered in graffiti, the new door has no windows and will be sure to grow some graffiti soon. This building needs some serious work, and we hope the folks over at New Directions Housing Corporation are prepared to get started soon.
- Tonini Building To Be Renovated (Broken Sidewalk)
- Unintended Green Architecture: Attack Of The Trees (Broken Sidewalk)
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