Mark your calendars for Halloween 2010. That’s right, the new downtown arena will officially open at 11:40 pm on Halloween in 2010 according to the Cardinal Countdown Clock posted on the corner of Second and Main streets. The clock has been up for a while, but we decided to check out just where six-hundred-sixty-odd days landed. All hallows night.

While that’s still way in the future, it at least gives us a chance to figure out our costumes for the opening ceremony. We’re still debating between a toaster or a band of lost soccer players from Liverpool.
There’s been a lot of excitement lately at the arena site, and there’s nothing like actual concrete being poured to top a giant wooden sandbox or or even an abandoned jet engine. It appears they figured out how to keep the piles from failing, because now there are hundreds of them poured and columns for the parking garage on the Main Street third of the site have been rebarred and will soon make the arena 3-D.
Work on the floodwall replacement seems to be progressing quite rapidly as well. We’d hate to see this thing become the largest swimming pool ever in Louisville sometime this spring (or, wait, that could be awesome!). You may notice there’s a lot of unexcavated dirt just north of all the activity along Main Street. We believe this is due to the underground parking garage being lower than the arena itself. The floor of the basketball court will sit just above the water table when everything’s finished (on Halloween, don’t forget).
Yes, start making your plans now. Halloween 2010 is just around the corner and promises to be an unveiling (uh, oh… ghost pun) like never before. The arena should be fun, too. Meanwhile, stay tuned for updates as the arena and its garage raise their cold, concrete hands from slightly more than six-feet-under Main Street.
- Arena Mayhem: Is The Arena In Louisville Or Liverpool? (Broken Sidewalk)
- Arena Mayhem: Shoring Wall Now Gigantic (Broken Sidewalk)
- Arena Mayhem: Giant Engine Found Amid LG & E Rubble (Broken Sidewalk)
- Arena Fails Its First Test: Weak Pile Can’t Take The Stress (Broken Sidewalk)