- 70 year old cross-guard killed by motorist in crosswalk at middle school (C-J)
- While she was trying to help a child cross the street (Fox 41)
- And no charges filed against the driver (WHAS 11)
- And bike/pedestrian safety HB 88 ‘is dead for now’ too (Barry’s Bike Blog)
- Canadian city to spend $100M to make bike riding ‘legitimate’ (CBC via Planetizen)
- Can America summon the will to build High Speed Rail? (NY Times letter)
- Clark’s Landing project master planning, second try (WFPL)
- And here’s the concept plan for the mixed-use project (Broken Sidewalk)
- Library looks to stimulus funds to jump start expansion (C-J)
- Homeless shelters getting millions in aid (Ville-Voice)
- Hearing set for Mar. 5 for car lot owner who defaced historic house (History & Issues)
- Where will Louisville’s stimulus money go? (Stim Watch via Beechmont NA)
- Slugger Field spraypainted; repainting to cost several thousand (Fox 41)
- And who steals from a cemetery’s Virgin Mary statue? (N & T)
- At your local store soon: clean coal air freshener (FatLip)
- Cost of coal don’t add up; a call to end hidden costs (C-J Editorial)
- Kentucky wants to ‘discuss nuclear power’ (C-J)
I saw some daffodils starting to come up the other day.
Hope they come on through and we don’t get more bad weather.
I have a hard time believing that there wasn't a single motor vehicle law broken when that crossing guard was killed.
What's the point of a crosswalk if there aren't any charges filed for someone who fails to yield to pedestrians?