Photo by Diane Deaton-Street
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Photo by Diane Deaton-Street
(Diane Deaton-Street)

Excellent work identifying yesterday’s sidewalk photo. I was stumped, but our readers weren’t. Bill and Gary both correctly identified the photo as Belmar Drive located in Camp Taylor. Here we go with another round; guesses in the comments.

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Branden Klayko


  1. one aspect of the u of l road change article that was absent was the fact that the restructuring of warnock avenue not only improves vehicular traffic, but according to dirk gowin in the mayors office, there will also be bike lanes installed (finally) for those who commute to U of L from germantown and beyond.

  2. I’d know that sidewalk anywhere–that’s Hickory Street in Germantown! I live in the house behind that barber shop. When I squint, I can even see the black-eyed susans in my front yard!

  3. Thanks for the shot of our fence at Bradley & Atwood, which celebrates the neighborhood’s distinctive history. We hope people will stop by & take a look; it’s just 3 blocks from the Dairy Kastle, after all! And yes, we are also looking forward to seeing those bike lanes & other improvements for pedestrians/ cyclists in our area.

    Mike Zanone, Vice-President
    Saint Joseph Area Association

  4. Thanks for the great shot of the neighborhood fence. Maybe this will encourage others to stop and take a look at the fence. May bring back memories.

    Gail Linville
    Saint Joseph’s Area Association