New iPhone app shows live photos of Louisville traffic
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A little while back, a tipster wrote in to point out a new iPhone app created just for Louisville transportation. Kyle Melwing has created his app, TRIMARC for iPhone and you can add it to your phone by going to “” and saving it as a bookmark on the phone’s home screen. Word is, the app works on other phones besides the iPhone, too.

After using the app for a couple days now (I know, what good’s it going to do me in New York?), it works really well. I like seeing the images of Louisville beamed right to my phone and if I had to drive somewhere back in Louisville, this could be a valuable tool. Or even if you don’t drive, the cameras covering Downtown streets are useful too. Check it out.

There’s also a new iPhone app for bikers that’s been making the Internet rounds lately. REI made an app to help “track, view, and share your bicycling experiences.” You can keep tabs on location, average speed, distance, among other stats. Haven’t had a chance to check it out yet, but sounds like a winner, too. Read more about it here.

Anyone know of other useful tools for transportation of any mode in Louisville?

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Branden Klayko