The Sustainable City Series‘ ninth forum will be all about transportation. The event if free, but you must sign up by 1:00pm tomorrow (Tuesday). Featured speakers include Barry Barker, Executive Director of TARC, and Dirk Gowin, Transportation Planning Administrator of Bike Louisville. It’s going on at the Glassworks on Ninth and Market Streets on Tuesday at 6:00 pm, so if you want to go, you’d better act fast. We’ve already signed up and at the time of posting there were only 51 seats left out of 340, so this event looks to be well attended.
Here’s some information from the Urban Design Studio:
The ninth forum of the Sustainable City Series held by the Urban Design Studio focuses on transportation modes that promote more sustainable communities.
Transportation is the backbone of regional development. Urban form has been largely dictated by the available modes of transportation at the time cities developed. This can be seen in the compactness of older city centers where the mode of transportation was by foot or horse drawn carriage. The placement of cities along navigable waterways, such as Louisville, was driven by transportation. With the advent of the automobile we witnessed the subsequent development of suburbs, spreading farther from the core of urban activity extending infrastructure needs and creating less efficient land uses. More efficient transportation systems must be developed if we are serious about promoting regional sustainability.
In order to return to a more sustainable region, transportation modes such as bicycling, rail and bus systems must be further developed. Join us on May 26th to hear what our region is doing to develop these modes of transportation.
Read more about the event on its web site.