There’s no doubt you have heard about the Sustainable City Series or perhaps you’ve even been to a couple of the talks. SSC forums cover various topics from urban agriculture to the future of transportation and bring together some of the leading minds in Louisville to discuss important topics on the future of the city. Now the Urban Design Studio who puts on these events is seeking your input to improve the program.
Here’s a message from the UDS:
I would like to ask for suggestions on topics you would like to see covered by the Sustainable City Series in the future. If a third of the people who receive this email respond we will have an incredible body of ideas to draw from. I cannot promise that all ideas will be covered, but if patterns begin to emerge that will help us determine which topics are the most pressing and work towards getting speakers to address the issues.
What topic would entice you to spend a couple hours of your afternoon at an upcoming Sustainable City Series talk? Let the UDS know by filling out this form on their web site.
- Urban Design Studio (Official Site)
I can only speak to the energy efficiency, conservation and renewable aspects of being sustainable, but from my long time involved in the field, after everyone is aware of, saves, and re-distributes how they manage cities, there is still a large amount of energy and time in the future as we make these changes. How do we start incrementally, etc. I’m finishing Dr. Steve Roosa’s 2nd book on just this subject. He is from Louisville, and has a national presence on these topics. Look him up.