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A tipster sends in the disturbing word that demolition has begun at the old Spalding University gym on Breckinridge Street in SoBro. It won’t be long now before there’s a disruptive void in the Breckinridge streetscape. More on the demolition here and here.
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Demolition begins at old Spalding University gym (Photo courtesy tipster)
Demolition begins at old Spalding University gym (Photo courtesy tipster)
Demolition begins at old Spalding University gym (Photo courtesy tipster)
Demolition begins at old Spalding University gym (Photo courtesy tipster)
Demolition begins at old Spalding University gym (Photo courtesy tipster)
Demolition begins at old Spalding University gym (Photo courtesy tipster)
Demolition begins at old Spalding University gym (Photo courtesy tipster)
Demolition begins at old Spalding University gym (Photo courtesy tipster)
Demolition begins at old Spalding University gym (Photo courtesy tipster)
Demolition begins at old Spalding University gym (Photo courtesy tipster)
Demolition begins at old Spalding University gym (Photo courtesy tipster)
Demolition begins at old Spalding University gym (Photo courtesy tipster)
Demolition begins at old Spalding University gym (Photo courtesy tipster)
Demolition begins at old Spalding University gym (Photo courtesy tipster)
Demolition begins at old Spalding University gym (Photo courtesy tipster)
Demolition begins at old Spalding University gym (Photo courtesy tipster)
Demolition begins at old Spalding University gym (Photo courtesy tipster)
Demolition begins at old Spalding University gym (Photo courtesy tipster)
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Founder and Editor at Broken Sidewalk
Branden founded Broken Sidewalk in 2008 while practicing architecture in Louisville. He continued the site for seven years while living in New York City, returning to Louisville in 2016. Branden is a graduate of the College of Architecture at Washington University in St. Louis, and has covered architecture, design, and urbanism for The Architect's Newspaper, Designers & Books, Inhabitat, and the American Institute of Architects.
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spalding doesn’t appear to have much respect for their unique urban situation. too bad.