Work on Iroquois Park’s Sunnyhill Pavilion is wrapping up since construction began last fall. Students from Iroquois High School took on the job along with professionals from Metro Parks and the Olmsted Conservancy. Last year, the structure was nearly falling down, but today, you can see the Sunnyhill Pavilion is in top shape. Well done, Raiders.

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Why is Metro Parks always waiting till it’s flling down and have to rebuild buildings rather than maintaining them. Case in point the Hogan’s Fountain Teepee and Bigrock Shelter and the Sunnihill Pavilion both which should have been reroofed years ago before they began to leak and damage structural componets In the case of the Teepee their mind set seems to if we don’t maintain it will reach the point of no return and will cost too much to repair and we can claim it’s cheaper to demo than to repair.
It is the original pavilion at Hogan’s fountain that should have been maintained. The TeePee should have never been built. The pavilion at Big Rock is wonderful.
I thought I knew Iroquois Park pretty well, but I have no idea where this building is.
The Teepee at Cherokee Park is great, and it needs to be kept. Unluckily, we can’t go back into the past and retrieve destructed treasures.
As for the Iroquois Park pavilion, having this complete will make those of us in the area feel a lot more proud of this lovely park. And it would be even lovelier if it received better overall maintenance attention. I completely agree with Paul’s statement on that.
@Dave Morse – This on top of the hill at the entrance at New Cut Rd and Kenwood Way, just North of the Amplitheater – there is also a redone playground with water sprinklers and rest rooms. Thank goodness for that because the ones under this pavillion were the pits – and thats being overly nice
Huh. I’m blind I guess. I was just there Monday and I don’t think I’ve ever noticed this building.
The run-down Iroquois building I always notice is the bathroom/shelter at the top of the hill near the basketball courts. Last time I visited it, it looked like the doors to the restrooms had been assaulted by Grond, Hammer of the Underworld.
@Dave Morse It sounds like the shelter you mention IS the Sunnyhill Pavailion. These photos show the front/top of the pavilion. I believe the restrooms you mention were in the basement which was accessible from the back/side. I assumpe these older restrooms will never be used again as the adjacent spash park has new restrooms.
If we want to use the sunnyhill pavillion do we need to make reservations and who would we contact to do so?
@hope – See here: