Broken Sidewalk

Yesterday's sidewalk photo was taken on Evergreen Road between Station Road and Hazelwood Road in Anchorage. Just off to the left of the photo is the site of Evergreen Real Estate's new development in the neighborhood's downtown and a...
Another successful sidewalk identification. Commenter Talkfan pointed out that Friday's sidewalk photo was taken on Illinois Avenue at Audubon Plaza Drive. Well done. Anyway, here's another sidewalk for you; identify its location in the comments. Also, noticing that more...
Wednesday's sidewalk photo (sorry no photo yesterday), was taken on Boulevard Napoleon near Douglass Boulevard. Well done John for identifying the view. Post your guesses for today's new photo in the comments. We'll reveal the view on Monday. Do pedestrians...
Hopefully everyone is starting to dry out after all the flooding yesterday. Yesterday's sidewalk photo was taken on Lee Street at Third Street in Old Louisville. Good job SushiK for pointing out the neighborhood. Here's today's challenge; tell us...
Yesterday's sidewalk photo was spotted on Main Street in Middletown. Well done James Hickman for identifying the view. Middletown had recently upgraded the streetscape through its historic downtown area to include the signature brick and concrete pattern. Here's today's...
Another successful sidewalk identification. Well done Paul Kuhl, corbballspieler, and Matthew Kuhl for identifying the sidewalk on Pine Street looking towards Hull Street in Irish Hill. Here we go with another round. Guesses in the comments. Transportation One dead, 2 in...
So yesterday's sidewalk photo was indeed pretty easy to locate. Several of you pinned it as the Douglass Loop, one noticed a barber shop theme, and another identified the barber who uses the front chair. Well done Daniel, archintent,...
Another successfully identified sidewalk, this time by Melody who recognized the view on Hickory Street in Germantown. Know this sidewalk? Reveal it in the comments. Also, Broken Sidewalkers, did you know that the interaction spurred by sites like Broken Sidewalk...
Congratulations go to John and Scott, who successfully identified yesterday's sidewalk photo. The photo was in fact taken on Atwood Street at Bradley Street in the St. Joseph neighborhood just north of Eastern Parkway. Today's photo is likely going...