Dan Borsch

Dan Borsch

Spalding can now raze SoBro’s Puritan building for a parking lot

(Note: Spalding has since announced that this demolition is on hold. Read more here.) Today, Friday, August 5, Metro Louisville Codes & Regulations can issue a...

After devastating fire, The Tavern is completely rebuilt in Old Louisville

Around 3:30a.m. on a Tuesday morning in July 2014, The Tavern, an Old Louisville watering hole, caught fire. The blaze was the work of...

1860s Era First Street Building Could Be Torn Down

A three-story brick and limestone building on First Street between Main and Market Streets has been issued an emergency demolition order. We had a...

First Street Mystery Renovation De-Mystified

A couple weeks ago we told you about a development on First Street between Main and Market Streets that didn't seem to be going...

Deadzone: Whats Up On First Street?

We've been wondering what the deal is concerning a three-story brick building sort-of under renovation on First Street between Main Street and Market Street....