Why develop when you can re-develop? The many reasons to build...
At a recent Urban Land Institute (ULI) meeting in Louisville's Portland neighborhood one of the speakers made a point about infrastructure—namely that, as the owners/ratepayers of...
How MSD’s Project WIN aims to eliminate Louisville’s combined sewer overflow...
Waterway Improvements Now—also known as Project WIN—is the slogan-slash-acronym for the Metropolitan Sewer District’s latest initiative to reduce water pollution and overflows from Louisville’s...
Putting Portland to WorK: Architecture office anchors Boone Square Park
Mitchell Kersting started his architecture practice, WorK Architecture + Design, in 2012 after working in historic preservation in Charleston, South Carolina. Kersting and his business partner...
All in a day’s work: Smoketown’s Preston Streetscape to be improved...
You can’t build Rome in a day, but you can certainly change a community.
On Friday, October 17, South Preston Street will be closed from...
Southern Indiana is way more than just a great view of...
As part of a small project I’m doing in Southern Indiana, I spent two days touring around Clark and Floyd Counties to see what...
Mapping: What languages are spoken in Louisville besides English
I’ve been enjoying the various “Most Common Language Other Than English” maps for U.S. states or city neighborhoods that folks have posted this summer,...
Rail Corridor Area-Wide Plan will help shape the future of Germantown...
Fifty-plus years ago, the urban core of Louisville was home to a thriving manufacturing economy. From mattresses to soap to pipe organs, local factories provided...
An Old Way Forward: The case for a Louisville streetcar loop...
Of all the challenges facing Louisville in the 21st century, few are more important than the issue of mass transportation—or, rather, the lack of...
Interview: City Collaborative’s Pat Smith depaves the way for a better...
Image: An aerial view of the ReSurfaced site under construction. (Courtesy The Overhead Group)
Way back in 2008, four buildings along Louisville’s historic West Main...