Friday News Roundup

Here are our favorite headlines from the world or cities, urbanism, transportation, and beyond. Take a look below and share what you’re reading in...

Worst: Louisville loses when headquarters choose the suburbs over Downtown

  In 1964, Lincoln Income Life Insurance built the first major office in the suburbs at Breckenridge Lane and the Watterson Expressway. The resulting skyscraper is...

Yang Kee Noodle’s new Baxter Avenue cafe is a model on...

Here's a story you don't see everyday: a former fast-food outlet is being repurposed without its drive through. That's the news on the sharply...

Crippled Chicken Statue And Free Speech

PETA is back again trying to place a large statue of a crippled chicken designed by The New Yorker artist Harry Bliss on the...

Colonel Sanders ‘Refreshing’ Roads Nationwide

Last week, KFC announced it would repair the city's potholes for free if a temporary "Re-Freshed by KFC" stencil could be spraypainted on top...

Downtown Lunch: Now With More Options Than Ever

The past year or so has witnessed the addition of several new dining options to the downtown central business district. Some of the new...