Museum Plaza

Museum Plaza Watch: ‘Trust Us, This Thing’s Getting Built’

Craig Greenberg went before Metro Council today to answer the tough questions about the state of the Museum Plaza development. We didn't have a...

Demo Watch: Electric Structures Fading Fast

Well, that was fast. Just ten days ago, the electric jungle gym on Third Street was removing its first transformers. Today, the thing is halfway...

Museum Plaza Electric Towers Go Wireless

Two large towers of power on and near the Museum Plaza site are being prepped for removal. Their wires have been snipped and new...

Reflecting On A Year We Called 2008

At the end of 2008 we wrote a River City development year-in-review that never made it online. We've tweaked it a bit to bring...

Wind Storm Jr. No Match For Museum Plaza

As Windstorm Jr. rolled through town last night, sending more power lines sprawling into the streets and killing electricity for almost 40,000 people, it...

Metro Council’s Fear Of Museum Plaza Unfounded, Lawyer Says

Several million dollars of construction liens filed against Museum Plaza by contractors caused a panic among some Metro Council members last week as they...

Will Louisville Soon Lose Kentucky’s Tallest Building Title?

With site work about done and actual construction expected to begin next month on the CentrePointe tower in Lexington, could it mean the end...

Riverfront Dinosaur Goes Missing

One of downtown's signature sculptures went missing today. It seems that the triceratops guarding the riverfront at the foot of Eighth Street was whisked...

Museum Plaza Falls Down, Climbs Up

While the actual Museum Plaza towers may not be going anywhere fast in this economy, there's still activity surrounding the project. Those colorful banners...