Traffic Calming
Salt Lake City’s street redesign shows how bike lanes are good...
Protected bike lanes require space on the street, and removing curbside auto parking is one of several ways to find it. But whenever cities...
How planting a garden in the middle of a street in...
The best infrastructure projects aren't single-minded—instead they solve many problems with a single design gesture. One of the top many-problem-one-solution projects we've seen is also among Louisville's...
Bike Louisville implementing Neighborways, a city-wide bike boulevard system
“Could you be mine? Would you be mine? Won’t you be my neighbor?” -Mr. Rogers
Consider a map of Louisville with the major streets and...
Snapshot: Cobblestone Streets Of New York
Here's a selection of cobblestone streets in New York. Most are the rough, generally unmaintained variety that has simply been left in place since...
What About Cobblestone Streets?
Many of Louisville's streets were originally paved in brick or cobblestone. Today, we occasionally can find a patch of cobblestones poking through damaged asphalt,...