We Lose!

How Louisville’s bad air quality is “like a sunburn” for your...

Tuesday was the first Ozone Alert Day of Louisville's early summer season. The Air Pollution Control District warned us yesterday that ozone levels would be in...

Louisville’s parking lots win national attention as country’s worst “parking crater”

On Friday, Louisville received was awarded the dishonorable distinction as the city with the nation's worst "parking crater," a term for a vast area of surface...

Louisville eliminated from U.S. DOT’s Smart City Challenge as seven finalists...

Louisville's bid for $50 million in funds from the U.S. Department of Transportation's (DOT) Smart City Challenge was cut short with the announcement of seven...

League of American Cyclists ranks Kentucky 49th in new bike-friendly state...

At least there's Alabama. In new rankings from the League of American Cyclists, Kentucky ranks 49th in bike friendliness, falling a spot from its...

City sacrifices mature trees on Shelby Street for sidewalk repair

We received word from a tipster today that two mature trees are about to be cut down in Phoenix Hill on the corner of...

Considering Pedestrian Safety And Walkability In Louisville

The big news so far this week is that if you walk in the Louisville Metro area, you're taking your life into your own...

Arena Fails Its First Test: Weak Pile Can’t Take The Stress

A tipster tells us today that the word on the street is the arena has failed it's first pile stress tests and must be...

Museum Plaza Losing Its International Edge

While the vision of Museum Plaza grows dim in these uncertain economic times where financing isn't easy to come by, the international media has...

Interstate 64 in Louisville Ranks 7th Nationally

Interstate 64 running through downtown Louisville made it to 7th place on the Freeways Without Futures: Nation's Least Wanted Highways list from the Congress...